The ZA Electronic Switchpods are a Unique Product. The communication between the boards is based on the Can-Bus communication protocol of the set, the wiring to the Voicebox is made with 2 small Modu-2 connections, which are included in the set
The Choice of this connection was made to remove any potential that the connections could vibrate loose between the board.
The Buttons have been designed and produced with to obtain the best accuracy of what we see in the show. the 3D CAD design reached the goal to reproduce the most hidden details, like the Thickness between the sides, top and bottom of each button themselves. The edges are embossed, as also are the LED’s housings. Little details make a Huge difference.
MP3 Reproduction
To every button, there is an associated file. This means you have 20 files that can be used, and you do not need a PC to simulate any dialogue. The phrases can be changed as often as you like! Have a unique conversation leaving maximum freedom for your fantasy
If the MP3 reproduction is disabled, a Random DTMF tone will be played.
As for the Traditional sounds, a Folder names ” 02 ” which is found in the Resources page on our website, is used to place your Customized sound needs.
Remember that the file extension must be .MP3 and the numbers at the beginning of the file must not be changed, otherwise the sound will not be played.